Q: What are your hours of operation?
A: 7PM - 4AM: Sun-Thursday, 7PM - 6AM: Fri-Sat.
Q: Do you offer bachelor party discounts?
A: Depending on the size of party and time of visit, the club will make every effort to discount admission and provide a memorable celebration. Call 719-576-7724 or visit the club to speak to a manager about current offers.
Q: Is it an 18 or 21 and over club?
A: 18+ with valid ID
Q: What’s your cover charge?
A: Cover is $10 if paying cash or $14 debit/credit. Purchase of non-alcoholic bottomless beverage, $12/$16, required at entry.
Q: How old do you need to be to audition?
A: 18+ with valid ID
Q: When are auditions held?
A: Management can accommodate auditions most days and hours of open business. Please call 719-576-7724 or visit club to speak with a manager about auditions.
Q: What is the audition process?
A: Auditions scheduled daily upon request. Call 719-576-7724, ask to speak with manager for info.
Q: How much for a private dance?
A: Dances start at $20/song. Entertainers reserve the right to independently negotiate dance prices prior to dances.
Q: How much is a VIP room?
A: VIP Rooms with the entertainer of your choice start at $150 for 15 minutes (1 patron, 1 entertainer) and increase due to longer time, extra guest, or dancers ett.
Q: Do you have a lost and found?
A: Valuables are generally kept up to a week, if found, in a secure location determined by club management. Please call 719-576-7724 or visit the club to speak to a manager about lost items.
Q: Is it a fully nude club?
A: Yes
Q: Are masks still required?
A: No
Q: What is your dress code?
A: Casual to formal attire is accepted.
7PM - 4AM: Sun-Thursday
7PM - 4AM: Sun-Thursday